How to Make Humidity Box for Plants?

seed germinating under humidity box

How to Make Humidity Box for Plants?

Do you have plants in your home or office that struggle to thrive due to low humidity levels? If so, you are in need of a humidity box. Ask me why?

Because humidity boxes are designed to increase the humidity levels around plants, allowing them to grow and flourish. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what humidity boxes are, why they’re important, and how to choose the right one for your plants!

What is Humidity Box?

A humidity box for plants is an easy and perfect solution for humidity-lover plants. It is designed to provide a high level of humidity for the growth and flourishment of plants. A humidity box is basically a container made up of glass or plastic with a lid. 

If you have a collection of tropical plants such as ferns, orchids, and carnivorous plants, then bring a humidity box for them. This box will create a humid home for those dry plants. 

A humidity box will also help you to propagate plants from cuttings or to provide a humid condition for newly transplanted plants. Such a humid environment is essentially needed for new plants to adjust to their new surroundings.

air humidifier for plants
Air humidifier for plants

Why is Humidity Important for Plants?

Humidity is a very important factor for plants as it helps plants in various ways. The principal role of humidity is to assist plants in the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil.

As you know, plants need a specific temperature for growth and survival. Here comes humidity which helps to regulate the temperature range of plants. If the humidity level somehow decreases in your plant’s surroundings, the plant will become dehydrated. Such dehydration may lead your poor plant towards wilting and even death. 

How to make a humidity box for plants?

seed germination under humidity box
Seed germination under humidity box

You have already understood that a humidity box is a perfect home for humid-lover plants. So now, I’ll discuss how you can easily make a humidity box on your own!

  1. First, buy a clear plastic container with a lid. Your plants will stay inside the container. So the container must be large enough to fit all the plants. 
  2. Fill the bottom of the box with pebbles or rocks. The layer of pebbles will prevent the plant from directly sitting in water and provide space for the drainage of excess water.
  3. In the next step, add some water to the pebbles to make them moist but not soaked.
  4. Now you can place your potted plant on top of the pebbles layer. Remember, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.  
  5. Once the placement is done, close the lid on the plastic box. This will create a sealed environment.
  6. Keep your humidity box in a place where bright and indirect sunlight comes. My advice spot will be near a window. 

So this is how you can prepare a humidity box at home! Check the humidity level inside the box on a regular basis. You can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity content. Well, the optimum humidity should be between 50% to 60%.

If the humidity level drops anytime, add some water to the pebbles. Inversely, if humidity increases, keep the lid open for some time to get extra moisture out of the box.

How to Choose the Right Humidity Box for Your Plants?

There are some vital factors you need to consider for selecting the ideal humidity box for your plants. Let me help you with this selection. Let’s go down!

  • Size of the box: The humidity box should have enough space to accommodate all of your plants. So, you need to choose the size of the box on the basis of the total plant number. If you have a large plant collection, the humidity box should be of large size.
  • Size of the plants: The size of your plants will tell you the amount of space they will occupy. You may have different sizes of plants, large, small, or middle. So, choose a humidity box that can afford all sizes of plants!
  • Material of the box: If we talk about materials, two types are available for making a humidity box. 
    1. One is a plastic box, which is lightweight and easy to move. 
    2. The other one is a glass box, which is heavier and more difficult to move. 

Well, in terms of capability, glass boxes are better at retaining humidity than plastic boxes. Glass boxes can also protect plants better than plastics. So, make your own choice now!

4 Benefits of Using a Humidity Boxes for Plants

There are a good number of benefits to using a humidity box for your plants. Let’s get to know them.

  • Increased humidity levels

    The first and foremost benefit of using a humidity box is that it increases the humidity levels around your plants. The proper humid condition will allow your plants to grow and flourish!

  • Better plant health

    The high humidity level created by the humidity box makes plants more resistant to diseases and pests. Thus you will have more healthy and happy plants!

  • Improved growth

    In a high humidity conditions, plants become more able to absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil. In this way, improved and vigorous growth will be achieved in your plants. 

  • Easy to use

    Humidity boxes are very easy to use and handle. So, you can easily make a humidity box the best partner for your plants!

You may also love to know about the following who also serve the same purpose as the humidity box!

Humidity Box

It is an enclosed container basically, which helps to maintain high humidity levels around the plant or plant cutting. Humidity boxes are usually made of transparent material like plastic or glass.

Humidity Dome

They are covers that are specially used to propagate plant cuttings or grow plants with high humidity requirements.

Humidity domes are made of the same materials as humidity boxes. So you have already got what they’re made of! Well, it’s transparent materials like plastic or glass. A humidity dome usually fits over a plant pot or tray to increase or maintain high humidity levels.

Humidity Tray

They are used to increase the level of humidity for  humid-lover plants. Manufacturers construct these trays using waterproof materials such as plastic or metal.

These trays are usually shallow and  filled with water. After filling is done, the tray is placed under a plant pot or plant tray to increase humidity level or maintain high humidity levels. Hence you can use a humidity tray around those of your garden plants which require high humidity levels.

All of these three mentioned above are designed to help plants grow and flourish in environments with high humidity levels. So, they are the same in case of function and differ in their specific purposes, designs, and materials.

Saifun Nahar Smriti

Hello, I'm Saifun Nahar Smriti, deeply passionate about plant science and biotechnology. I explore the wonders of nature's green world and the innovative possibilities of biotech. The mysteries of plants and the exciting potential of biotechnology is thrilling to me. Welcome to my world of discovery!